Grain-free pâté made with organic chicken, supplemented with certified organic peas, seaweed, and spirulina. This organic wet food forms a complete, nutritious, and oh-so-delicious meal for your cat. It's pure organic food, which means no chemical fragrances, colourings, or aromas, no added pesticides or GMOs, and only the best absorbable proteins. So your cat gets exactly what they need.Yarrah recommends wet food for every cat. Wet food contains plenty of moisture and helps your cat stay hydrated. Especially older cats and cats that don't drink as much can benefit from a daily helping of wet food. Yarrah has been making pur organic pet food for over 30 years. We only use pure and natural ingredients and all are reciples are organic certified. We take great care to create recipes that are perfect balance of protein and fat. Our pet food is both great for your pet's health but also for the planet.
OrganicProduct information
Yarrah recommends wet food for every cat. Wet food contains plenty of moisture and helps your cat stay hydrated. Especially older cats and cats that don't drink as much can benefit from a daily helping of wet food. Yarrah has been making pur organic pet food for over 30 years. We only use pure and natural ingredients and all are reciples are organic certified. We take great care to create recipes that are perfect balance of protein and fat. Our pet food is both great for your pet's health but also for the planet.Country of Origin
Store in a cool dry place. Once opened, keep it in the fridge and use within 2 days.
See base of tin for best before date and batch number.Package Type
Recycling Information
Country of Packing
Return To Address
Yarrah UK,
Watermoor Point,
Watermoor Road,
Cirencester GL7 1LF, UK Freephone 00800 34 44 38 88Ingredients
* = organic.Dietary Information