FELIWAY MultiCat helps cats live in harmony so you can all be happy together.
- FELIWAY is Vet Recommended and the #1 selling solution
- FELIWAY MultiCat helps reduce common signs of tension and conflict between cats at home such as fighting, chasing and blocking
- 84% of cat owners saw significant improvements when using FELIWAY MultiCat
- Some start to see results in as early as 7 days
- After giving birth, mother cat’s produce pheromones that send harmony messages to kittens that are calming and promote bonding; FELIWAY MultiCat is drug free and mimics these messages to restore harmony between cats living together
- FELIWAY MultiCat heated diffuser covers up to 700 square feet and should be plugged in continuously
- For the best results, position the diffuser where your cat spends most of his or her time, and avoid plugging the diffuser in under shelves and behind doors, curtains, or furniture
- Starter kit includes: One Diffuser head and one refill vial that lasts up to 30 days